Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 5 - Quarzite, AZ to Aguila, Az (80 bike miles)

We crossed the border at the very end of yesterday, and today we got our first real taste of beautiful Arizona! We saw the magnificent saguaro cactus all over, and it looks like it is straight out of a cartoon. This was also our first day with NO BREAK-DOWNS!

We spent the night at a campground in the tiny town of Aguila, AZ, where I slept outside under the stars, with not a cloud in the sky. Saturn was shining bright tonight, and I even saw a few shooting stars.

My usual formula of inserting a biking clip montage in the middle is getting old... so get ready for a CACTUS MONTAGE!


  1. love your blog!!!! KEEP IT UP!

    Yikes re Day Two - BUT - you'll all have fabulous stories for your grandchildren! hooray!!!

    (Nonetheless I pray for you every day. xxooxxoo)

  2. Me, too. I love it too!! Yes, yes, yes...
